Lectures for the general public and the professional audience
Over the past 20 years, one of the ways in which the Body Psychotherapy field has been advanced is by the series of experiential lectures I give, in Israel and Europe, on a variety of topics related to the world of biodynamic psychotherapy, and the body - mind – spirit connections. The lectures target both professionals and the general public
Please contact to arrange lectures and workshops for professionals, companies, and organizations
A partial list of lectures follows:
• Couples therapy using Body Psychotherapy- (LSBP Conference, 2014)
• Primary Personality and the Couples’ Primary (Lectures in Israel and London, 2015-2018)
• Why should I take it to heart? Lecture and further studies for therapists, 2016
• Gut Feelings! Lecture and further studies for therapists, 2017
• Rejuvenating the couple relationship. Lecture and further studies for therapists, 2017
• Couplehood – it’s not so simple. Lecture and further studies for therapists, 2018
• The spiritual warrior. Lecture and further studies for therapists, 2019
• Treating mental illness - schizophrenia, manic depression, borderline personality – with Body Psychotherapy, at Be’er Yaakov Mental Health Centre
• (Vienna, Austria, lecture at conference of the European Association for Body Psychotherapy, 2010).
• (Understanding the psychosomatic connection in respiratory and digestive problems, and treatment with biodynamic psychotherapy)
• (Alternative, Jerusalem, 2007)
• Introducing the field of Body Psychotherapy, and an experiential lecture on body-mind-spirit-.
• (Dozens of lectures and workshops across Israel, for professionals and the general public).
• The connection between the five lights of the soul in the Kabbalah, and the principles of biodynamic psychotherapy.
• (Paris, Lecture at the conference of the European Association for Body Psychotherapy, 2018).
• Seven principles from the world of mind-body-spirit for a healthier and happier life - awareness to body, breath, touch, energy, positive thinking, expressing emotions and beliefs, including experiential work.
• (Dozens of lectures and workshops across Israel, for professionals and the general public).
• Stress-reduction techniques and lowering stress, in companies, organizations, and high-tech employees.
• (In the high-tech firm PMC-Sierra, Herzliya Pituach, 2008).
• Treating sexual problems, applying the concept of biodynamic body psychotherapy.
• (Alternative, Tel Aviv, 2008).
• Lectures for the staff of the Surgical and Oncology Departments, Wolfson Hospital,
• (Lecture and experiential workshop, together with Dafna Karta, 2009).
• Treating psychiatric patients at Beer Yaakov Mental Health Centre, using body psychotherapy.
• (Conference on Occupational Medicine, Tel Aviv University, 2010 together with Dorit Haim from the Be’er Yaakov Centre).
• Body, breath, and soul - the importance of breathing awareness and meditation practice for improving quality of life.
• (Dozens of lectures and workshops across Israel, for professionals and the general public).
• Developing our inner and higher intuition skills, and developing our super-sensory capabilities.
• (WIZO Centre, London, 2000).