25 years ago, after studying business management and hotel management and then working in the business management field in Israel, I went to the UK. My aim was to take a journey of personal and spiritual development and through a series of ‘coincidences’, I met two pivotal teachers:
• Gerda Boyesen, who developed the sphere of biodynamic psychotherapy, continuing the path of Wilhelm Reich, the father of Body Psychotherapy. With her and her team of teachers, I studied for five years at the Gerda Boyesen Centre in London. Studies included biodynamic psychotherapy, with a specialisation in unique techniques of working with movement and touch, working with energy, and with breath and voice.
• Keith Casburn
- a spiritual teacher and author: an expert in the field of developing higher and super-sensory skills. At the College of Psychic Studies in London, I underwent long-term training with Keith for three years, studying and understanding the spiritual layer, how to develop inner intuition and higher intuition, learning meditation and guided imagery and other subjects.
In Israel I studied and specialised in couples and family therapy at T.L.M., and later at Beinenu. I am a qualified instructor in Body Psychotherapy, with close to twenty years’ experience. In the nineties I returned to Israel from that process of personal development and learning. Ever since I have worked as a psychotherapist, as well as teaching a range of subjects: body psychotherapy, couples therapy, mind-body balance, meditation and guided imagery, the therapist-client relationship, sexuality and professional ethics.